IB Exam Cancellation: A Student’s Opinion

By Shirin F, Y 13

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect this to happen: cancelled IB exams.

I had always longed to graduate without any final exams, because who even needs all of that unhealthy stress? But then it actually turned into a reality…

I did not expect it. No one did. How could something so big and so important, something that we have spent the past two years preparing and studying for, all of sudden be cancelled? It was completely out of the blue, and it took some time for us—both students and teachers—to digest. 

Personally, I had no idea how to react: whether to celebrate and jump up and down with joy and relief, or to mourn the loss of studying for the past two years. I believe most students worldwide were met with the same mixed emotions.

Some may call it good fortune, whereas others, misfortune, depending on their studying style. You see, there are two types of IB students:

1. People who study well during the past two years, have a high GPA, and are successful in IAs and Orals.

2. People who do know that the main thing that matters is the Final IB exam and hence focus their studying for the final IB exams. 

Some type 1 students might thus be ecstatic and thrilled that they got the easy way out. Some type 2 students—who assumed class work would not greatly contribute towards their final IB grade—might be heartbroken over their ‘IB studying plan’ that will now haunt them. 

The cancellation of the IB May 2020 exams is novel (like the coronavirus) and completely unprecedented. But what I have learned over the course of the past few years is that it is crucial to be flexible in life, and simply “go with the flow” because ”when you make plans, god laughs”. Life is filled with the unexpected, both good and bad. It is crucial to take life one day at a time, and to enjoy every single moment. No one knows what will happen in the future, so stop thinking about it! So much can change in such a little time, so please cherish your loved ones, never take anything for granted, and just focus on today!  

On the bright side, us IB students now have a 5-month long summer vacation! 

I think this is an important time for both mankind and the earth to heal and to take a break. I hope this revolutionises the way we treat the world for the better.

Take advantage of this personal time, and please stay safe!

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