Mid East Storytellers Exhibition: Interview with Mme. Muller

By Lara Suleiman, Year 12

“The Mid East Storytellers exhibit showcases the stories of Palestinian and Israeli peace-builders, created on the premise that their stories are a medium for amplifying the values of the peace-building community.” – LGB Centre des Arts

As this exhibition is a major event here at LGB, we had the opportunity to interview Mme. Muller, the head of the Centre des Arts, about the Mid East Storytellers exhibits.

As the head of CDA, surely you hear a lot about different cultures. How did the specific idea for this exhibition come about?

We started working with Bait of Hope almost 7 years ago (when the association wasn’t created yet) because Mrs. Rimer, the founder, introduced Ali to Awad, an activist originally from Palestine. The result of this conference was so successful that they decided to build this association and since the conflict is still ongoing, we realized we were, along with many NGOs around the world, working on peaceful approaches to this conflict. Since then, every year we try with Bait of Hope to find a project that is linked to it. The aim is to spread awareness about this idea of peaceful social dialogue, awareness and activism. This year the project came with young activists built by Bait of Hope and Almep organization (the alliance for the Middle East, Palestinian Israeli conflict) and also the pendulum creative agency who collectively asked over 20 activists to express the meaning of being an activist via art. 

Is there any correlation with the exposition time (November), or is it just fate?

Firstly, the period was available but also, November is the month of human rights so every year we try to find a project relevant to what is happening in the world concerning human rights. Also, this isn’t simply about activism but also about diversity and our values here at Ecolint are very focused on diversity, inclusion and anti-discrimination. We came to the conclusion with Mrs. Rimer that this was the perfect time for the project.

After reading a few of the young activists’ stories, I’ve come across the idea of feeling safe whilst wearing a mask. Why do you think they feel safer when they hide their true identity?

If I can say, there is a link to their historical ideas or feelings that there’s really just a conflict of origin. What we have realized with Mrs. Rimer is that when you forget religion and you forget your origins, you come to the realization that in the end we are all humans and we have the same fears and the same goals in life and this is an impressive moment when you meet an Israeli and a Palestinian. Without knowing they become friends and realize that in the end, they are exactly the same situation. So maybe wearing a mask is representing a fear of showing who you are. 

Is there any particular piece of art that stood out to you?

This is a very difficult question because being part of the jury, I got to decide which ones were going to be exposed and each story and each piece of art was really impressive so it’s very difficult for me to say that one of them stood out to me because, in reality, they were all exceptional.

Now let’s take a look at women’s perspectives because it is essential to hear the story from all members of society. Natalie speaks of the neglect of women’s voices to a certain extent. Why do you think Natalie or women in this situation feel this way?

It could be linked to what is happening in the world. I’m sure you’ve heard how women are raising their voices for many causes, for example with the #MeToo movement. I have a feeling that women have been silenced for so many years and now the silence is reducing (in some places of the world less than others) but it is only now that everyone is realizing how strong and resilient women are, so women’s voices are very important. Women are beautiful in many ways because we’ve got so many skills and the world needs to listen to us more closely.

Here at Ecolint, culture is very important. How do you think we, as students, can help emphasize this?

Always, in any way, there is always something to do. For me, cultural art is the best way to promote any culture because as I always say, art is a universal language. I would say as soon as you have any ideas, just come to us and we’ll discuss them with you because you are the future generation, the young generation facing the world that you will have to lead so it is very important for us to help you. 

Is there anything in particular that you would like to share with the readers of the LGB Express?

Come enjoy the Centre des Arts. Don’t be afraid to test the waters. Suggest any ideas. Don’t be afraid of failure because this is how you learn and art is really brilliant for learning so never hesitate. It doesn’t have to be visual arts, it can be poetry, it can be writing, it can really be anything. Art is a diverse field. Never hesitate. Take it step by step.

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