Spirit Week 2022!

By Lauren Pulh, year 10

During the last week of school before the Easter Holiday, LGB held a spirit week! During spirit week, LGB secondary students were encouraged to dress to match different themes to show school unity and spirit. The StuCo chose the categories for the students to dress up as.

This was to honor the year 13s’ last week at LGB before their revision and preparation for their International Baccalaureate (IB) exams. Not surprisingly, the people who dressed up were mostly the year 13s. The first day was senior citizens, however there were not that many senior citizens. This is certainly due to old age and reduced mobility! But some indeed did make it whether they needed a cane to walk, or as they were on their way back from grocery shopping.

On the Tuesday when the theme was professions, students were fortunate as many were able to take some personal time off their work and participate in our Spirit week. LGB had police officers, a professional boxer, scientists, and a Chef. LGB also had some construction workers but are unclear as whether they were workers currently working on the new sports construction site here at LGB.

The most popular themes were definitely on Wednesday and Thursday, the days for the formal and celebrity categories. Most participants dressed up for the formal and celebrity day as they were probably the most fun to impersonate. Wednesday’s formal day was very popular, even amongst teachers such as Mr Manchala.

On Thursday, lots of celebrities took time off their world tours to come to visit. Amongst those celebrities, one could come across Harry Potter and Hermione coming to grab lunch in the “Great Hall” also known as the cafeteria or Superman ready to assist anyone at risk of dropping their tray, and Batman probably on the lookout for malevolent behavior. LGB also had the honor of hosting Sir Elton John but were not fortunate enough to attend the private concert.

Some students gave their opinion on Spirit week. They said: “It was fun!”, “It was kind of sad because few people dressed up”, “I enjoyed it”, “I will dress up next year for sure”. It is true that there were not too many participants but the ones who did had a lot of fun doing it! One must also acknowledge that the most important part is not about quantity but rather quality. Once again LGB showed great unity and spirit. This was an amazing way to launch year 13 in their successful and intense revisions and for the lucky others to start off their holiday.

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