“Be” or “Become”?

By Alia Hirji, Year 11

I’ve been thinking recently, why can’t I just “be”? Why do I have to “become” first? Life can be so exuberant, that I feel the need to skip ahead. To leap instead of walk. To read the last sentence of a book before starting it. To search up the ending of a show. I realized how I’ve always wanted to rush things because I never really believed in “small steps” or “enjoy life slowly”. Zooming through things always seemed to give me a rush. I guess that’s why I’m so athletic. I’ve always wanted to just “be”.

 But recently I discovered my love for small things. Small things that create big things. Like studying way before a test to be able to take the steps before being fully prepared. Or making breakfast the night before so I wake up to it. Or taking an everything shower before sleeping to wake up feeling refreshed. Enjoying the road trip, not waiting till the destination. 

I used to never want to age because of having to go through the process of it. But then I realized how ageing is a real gift and a privilege. Or how I used to never want to grow up because of the process of it. However, maturity and developing my own character is an incredible experience that isn’t as common as people might think. Small steps are worth the goal. Without them it’s worth nothing. I’ve recently realized how I want to “become” before “being”.